EFL Press Learner and Teacher Friendly Materials for Japanご意見・ご提案お問い合わせ
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Unit 1 Health

health habits, smoking, nutrition, health and safety, euthanasia

Unit 2 Animals

animal rights, vegetarianism vs eating meat, endangered species

Unit 3 Fashion

fashion excess, image and the language of fashion, eating disorders, sweatshops

Unit 4 Family

raising children, discipline, extended families, family relationships, divorce

Unit 5 Culture

cultural misunderstandings, experiencing a new culture, preserving traditional culture, the destruction of cultures

Unit 6 Love & Marriage

infatuation vs true love, building strong relationships, weddings, choosing a suitable partner

Unit 7 Jobs

choosing work and applying for jobs, problems in the work place, lifetime employment vs changing jobs, men's / women's roles in work

Unit 8 Shopping

consumerism and the environment

Unit 9 School

the school system, problems at school (boredom, truancy, bullying, stress), failing school, alternative schools

Unit 10 TV & Movies

the negative influence of TV, selecting the news, violence, excessive spending in the movie industry, fame

Unit 11 Nature

respecting nature, environmental problems

Unit 12 Review

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